Inspiring Conversations

10 Simple Gift Wrap Ideas

  • SumoMe

You’ve braved through the crowds and managed to return home in one piece with all your Christmas shopping. But here comes the mind boggling part – gift wrapping!  Don’t worry, there’s still time for that. But how are you going to make your presents stand out from under the tree? Plus your purchases come in a myriad of shapes and sizes so how in the world are you going to gift wrap your stuff? Start by considering these 10 simple and creative gift wrap ideas we’ve got for you!

Penny C doesn’t want to take forever to wrap up.

1. What’s Your Card?

Playing Cards

That deck of cards don’t only belong to the table, they make interesting gift tags and gift embellishments too. Pick a playing card for each gift and if you want, write a note on the back of the card in striking colour. Instead of having friends look for their names under the tree, hand them numbered cards to match the playing cards on their presents. Fun up the system, we say.

2. Wish You Were Here


Postcards make whimsical additions to any package. They come in so many imaginative designs and they’re affordable too. The best part is that postcards double up nicely as gift tags and wrapping decor. Time to head out and pick some!

3. Skip the Bow

Small Toys

Add a touch of fancy by substituting the ribbon with a small toy. Up the fun by choosing one that represents your recipient. It could be toy kitchen utensils for the one who loves to cook, or perhaps even toy furniture for the aspiring interior designer friend. Whatever you choose, just make sure that the toy’s tasteful and of the appropriate size. Avoid bulking up your gift.

4. Homemade Goodness

homemade wrapping

Jazz up your presents with your personality by opting for decorating the paper yourself instead of store bought ones. Draw on them, create your own motifs or use pages of your old schedule books. This is also one of the best times to let out some creative steam and get the party going with conversational gift wrap!

5. Reading the News

Japanese NewspaperNewspaper Gifts

I know you’re thinking about boring newspaper pages but that’s not it. This only applies if you don’t go picking out the first page as wrapping paper. Be thoughtful and use sections like the comics (where you can colour in the strips) and classifieds (where you can randomly circle ads to add to the design). Once you’re done, substitute ribbons with hand drawn ones around the box. Try something visually different too by using foreign newspapers. Get squiggly and imaginative!

6. Reading Maps


Got a bunch of old maps but never seem to leave your house enough to use them? Here’s a better use for them – keep your gifts memorable by wrapping them with maps. They’re huge and wide, enough material for wrapping more than one present too. So head down to the store for some directions and couple your purchases with pretty bows and ribbons!

7. Grocer’s Brown Bag

Brown Bags

Simple strings and brown paper lend that enchanting rustic charm to presents and also, this attractive wrapping method is ideal for the oddly shaped purchases. Once wrapped, keep the decorations to a minimum and attach pretty gift tags to your packages. The trick is to not go overboard with this idea. So start getting busy, y’all.

8. Doilies

Doilies Doilies


Finally, another use for these paper coasters! Available from DIY and craft shops, these doilies can look like snowflakes when you stretch your imagination a little more. If you’re the type who’s into minimalism and avoids anything gaudy, decorate your packages with the sweet innocence and of simple doilies. Pretty, no?

9. Gift Boxes

Gift Box

Boxes are great alternatives to wrapping paper. It’s easy on your pocket and decorating them is the fun part. You can do so by either designing those boxes on your own with colour markers, pasting stickers, wrapping them in fabric or by using a single bow to adorn the box. Simple!

10. Elegant Embellishments

Elegant Embellishments

Donning your gifts with loud wrapping paper and an extremely fancy bow can be an eye sore. But the solution is simple  – just pick just ONE option. We know it’s fun but don’t go overboard with all that wrapping. Select whimsical, fanciful embellishments and pop them onto very minimally designed wrapping paper (or think brown paper bags). Taa-daaaah, tasteful looking packages that go well with everything else.

Now You’re Done!

Mini PresentsIt’s the season to be jolly and what better way to get down and crafty than this? Creating your own wrapping paper and supplementing it with quirky novelties is a very economical way to show your stuff. Talking about being economical, you can recycle these gift wrap ideas for occasions other than Christmas too. But in the meantime, have fun and have a Happy Christmas!


  1. I love this! Will definitely keep these in mind for future purposes!


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