Inspiring Conversations

16 Suitcases For You

  • SumoMe

Uh oh, I think it’s time…. the tempestuous thought of visiting vibrant cities and wandering around anonymous towns is too much to bear! I know it’s only June but the travel bug is biting again. And even though how hard some of us try, we tend to pack our entire lives into our  suitcases! Oops.

Though impractical for long vacations, these pretty luggage trunks are great for quick getaways and that includes staying over at a friend’s. With these 16 visuals, we hope the exciting travel bug bites you.. well, a little too (:

All images from weheartit.


  1. I love the image of the stacked suitcases! What a great idea for something like a nightstand or small table.

    I have a really old trunk in storage at my Mom’s house in California. It was carried through the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico on a donkey and it contained my great-grandmother’s wedding dress. Your post made me remember it. Thanks for the memory!

    Found you via SG Blog Awards, I’ve been nominated too. Good luck!

    • Wow, that’s wonderful! These trunks have so many stories. Penny C’s got a old, red one. It was a wedding gift from her grandma to mum (as an alternative to a hope chest)!

      Thanks for visiting us too and good luck to you as well! :))

  2. Hello, thank you for a nice blog! Now there is a new ‘Live the language’ video where the girl travels to several countries – and also travels THROUGH TIME :)
    Watch it on YouTube or on Vimeo
    Hedvig @EF

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