Inspiring Conversations

SQM: Invisible Bookshelves

  • SumoMe

SQM or square metre, features home decorating ideas especially for small flats/apartments! We try to make utmost use of the limited space we have available. 

By Penny V


With flats becoming smaller (and more expensive) in big cities, decorating and leaving your own personal touch is even harder to do. Still, it is a fun challenge to have and we leave no stone unturned in order to be creative and leave behind the possibility of one’s flat looking like an IKEA replica.

So, we take to the walls! If you’re anything like one of us at Penny, you have stacks of books or have had to give them away before moving (poor you). We have a fun solution for your books without confining it to a cabinet or cupboard. Just a small piece advise, don’t leave valuable books on the bottom and stay away from windows!




These powder coated steel book shelf, by New York based designer, Miron Lior, gives the illusion of floating books! Purchase this wall-mounted shelf from Umbra at US$ 13.00 for the small conceal shelf or US$ 15.00 for the large conceal. The diminutive shelf can hold up to 6 to 9 kgs of books.


Another form of invisible book shelves comes from designer Mauro Canfori. His simple, yet ingenious design can result in various  forms ranging from horizontal and vertical (or both!) to geometric shapes. On the pricier side, you can purchase them directly from TEEbooks.



The spine tower is a contemporary design that also saves space and can hold other items such as DVDs and CDs, while still giving it a minimalist feel. This tower can also be mounted on the wall for it to float. Options can be found on or .

If you take floating seriously, a concept that has been around for awhile is Sticklebook. It’s available at for S$49.90 

The cheapest option? DIY! Head on over to Instructables for a tutorial.


Another DIY version of the invisible bookshelf is the inverted bookshelf – probably not for your pricier books or first editions though.

One comment


  1. Biblioteci creative | Feeder - […] Rafturile invizibile. […]
  2. 25 Invisible Floating Bookshelf Projects - Guru Koala - […] 23. Invisible Bookshelf source […]

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