Inspiring Conversations

The Pursuit of Happiness

  • SumoMe

Latest findings released reveal Singaporeans to be generally a happy lot. Couldn’t make this up if we tried.

By Penny K

The Pursuit of HappinessSingaporeans have been found to be a generally happy lot, but that’s when compared to people in countries like China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan.

The initiative of a Japanese university, the survey on the quality of life was conducted across seven East Asian economies.

70 per cent Singaporeans said they were happy. The Vietnamese came in second place at 64 per cent, while the Japanese ranked third. People in Taiwan were the least happy.

Happiness was measured according to the respondents’ perceptions of aspects of life such as standard of living, family life and their job.

But as expected, Singaporeans ranked the lowest when it comes to being satisfied with the right to stand up to the government, to gather and demonstrate.

I would say for the tangible, material aspects of life, Singaporeans have a lot to be happy about. It’s really the intangible areas that need lots of working on. Bad service and inconsiderate people who ignore the government’s near-pleas to give up seats can be a cause of unhappiness.

Here, “the daily grind” refers to the morning coffee, the hard work we put into each and every day, but it also refers to the daily irritation that we put each other through because of our little idiosyncrasies.

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