Inspiring Conversations

Buddy Up for Good

  • SumoMe

Running may be one of the best exercises but it takes heck of a lot of determination and discipline – well, all that and a good companion.

An article by Penny K

shutterstock_22568314We all know the efficacies of running at the back of our hands: weight loss, cardiovascular health, increased bone density and improved emotional states. Unfortunately, as the unexplainable mysteries of the world would have it, what’s good for you is often no fun. Few are able to endure the pain before the gain and thus, forego running as a form of exercise altogether.

As a child I loathed running. I had zero affinity with anything athletic. I’m now in my 20s. These days I experience heightened body awareness but not in the insecure manner of the prepubescent, rather in a way that makes me want to mind my body. Essentially, I see the need to look good and be healthy.
I used to run only on the treadmill. It was challenging for a while but soon after, it became nothing more than routine. I’d run for 30 to 45 minutes and at the same speed each time. Yawn.

Four months ago I decided to step out of my comfort zone. I found a running buddy who was just as in need of an exercise buddy as I was. We shutterstock_31667224started with two rounds around his estate, eventually we ventured to further places and once even ran 12 kilometres which was for want of a better description, a freaking achievement. On average, we cover a distance of 8km.

As we run we talk at length about life and the things we had gone through that day or week. It makes for good catch-up time between friends. When one of us slackens in pace – usually me – we’d spur each other on. The positive energy that radiates from you to your buddy, and vice versa, can help go a long way. It may not be enough to move mountains, but enough to move each other.

Today, I no longer have the same impractical body goals I used to have when I was a teen. I no longer want to be skinny, I want to be fit. By adding a weekly Ashtanga Yoga lesson to my exercise regime, I have become stronger and fitter. I don’t dread running anymore, I enjoy it immensely. I would go the distance for health’s sake, but I wouldn’t do it without my buddy.


  1. I’m always procrastinating exercise! Would love to try yoga though. Love your site btw :)

    • I was a big procrastinator too, until I found my fitness buddy. Yoga may be low impact but it gets intense and it works!

      Thanks, glad you like it! New articles daily.

      Penny K

  2. I’ve never tried running with a buddy before, it has always been me and my iPod. But after reading this, I think it’s about time I ditch the earphones and grab a friend instead!

    • You should, companionship works. Misery loves company!

      Thanks for dropping by. More articles coming your way.

  3. itsmark /

    Try running in cadence, it might suit some people better. Running with people of the same ability takes away the psychological damage done when running with someone of a higher stamina and experience. That said, I wouldn’t give up my running buddy :)

    • Hi itsmark, you sure are one supportive running buddy! :D

      Someone once told me, “The man in front of you is meant to be taken over”, pretty good advice, what say you?

      More articles on health and fitness coming up, and many others.

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