Inspiring Conversations

Red Sky In The Morning

  • SumoMe

In the dark of night when no one’s watching, nature does gets busy. It was reported on CNN that “strong north-westerly winds blew the dust overnight to Sydney and regions west of the capital”.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Habour - Before and After

Though this dust storm may make a pretty photography subject, we’re certainly sure that it’s no bed of roses for locals in the area. It has already caused hiccups in transportation routes on both land and air and has been detrimental to the health of those with respiratory related medical conditions.

Neutral Bay

Macquarie Street

People exercising at Coogee Beach.

Castle Hill

Masking the town in deep orange and red hues, these pictures look as though they belong to the past rather than in our current millennium. So this is probably how it feels to be totally colour blind; frightening when you look at it this way.  Sometimes it takes events like this for people to appreciate the colours we see everyday.

Images above courtesy of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Here are more images from a Flickr search of the Sydney Sandstorm.

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